Психолог БФ «Карітас Київ» провела ряд психологічних і просвітницьких зустрічей у прифронтовому місті Авдіївка

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"October 15-16 2015 р. psychologist BF "Caritas Kyiv" held a number of psychological meetings with managers and psychologists of all schools in the frontline town Avdeevka Donetsk region ", – reports on. Roman Sirotich, директор БФ «Карітас Київ».

For over Kyiv, Caritas provides psychological support to the various groups and, зокрема, IDPs from East Ukraine. Trainings, individual and group counseling, social and psychological support for families. It is also planned several trips in the frontline area to establish contact and positive relationships between the local population and the military; zvereno special attention to help IDPs with adaptation to new living conditions.

15 жовтня 2015 was held a meeting on "The creative integration as a way out of the crisis", а 16 жовтня – "12 strategies" attentive brain "as tools of integration with other" .

Present at the meeting were presented and simple, However, Scientific methods are deeply grounded strategy, that can be used to communicate with children and contribute to improving their well-being and relationships with others. The essence of these strategies is, adults themselves must first achieve samointehratsiyi own - moreover,, the same ways, which they will use in communicating with children. Healthy children grow up in a healthy environment. Тому, first training directed at adults.

Presenting their results, Psychologists perform educational function, which is often called "psyhoedukatsiyeyu". At these meetings, the main objective will be "osposoblennya" – transmission methods and develop skills.
As a result of the training was agreed to conduct practical classes in school soon №7 city Avdeevki.

"The biggest discovery for us was that, that people believe Avdiyivka, that their situation much better, than those, who reluctantly moved to other places. They explain this by, that during the hostilities in their new survival skills, improved relationships with each other - "Mount combines"; and increased integration ties with the outside world – Many people come from all over, to help. Communicating with the, who left, they feel their anguish, pokinutіst, roz'єdnanіst, not enough integration into the new environment. People adapted, find work and housing, but feel abandoned, cut off from the new world. Integration is difficult to build up ties.

Instead Avdiyivka feel cheerful, «Like at home» », – shares impressions psychologist BF "Caritas Kyiv – Olga Lyashenko.

"We express our sincere gratitude to all, due to whom open this new direction providing assistance and support to people, in need. Special thanks to military chaplains of the UGCC. Ivan Gouna, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of the Kiev Institute of Business and Technology Lyudmila Hrydkovets, Main practical psychologist town Avdeevka Oksana Deinega. Special thanks to the wonderful team of guys SIMIS (civil-military cooperation), that promote good relations between the military and the local population ", – concludes at. Roman Sirotich, директор БФ «Карітас Київ».

Press Service Foundation “Карітас Київ”