У Львові представили новостворений відділ душпастирства спорту при Комісії УГКЦ у справах мирян

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Душпастирство спорту УГКЦ


Church and sport organizations develop partnerships, as proposed by the Pontifical Council for the Laity and its department "Church and Sport". We will use experience, which is already in the Catholic Church concerning the pastoral care of athletes.

That said, at. Олег Кобель, Chairman of the newly created Department of Sport at the Pastoral Commission for the Laity of the UGCC, 15 July at a press conference in Lviv on "Are the Church and Sport? УГКЦ розпочинає активне душпастирство спорту».

Participation in the press conference: о. Василь Білаш, Chairman of the Commission for the Laity of the UGCC, о. Taras Zholdak of Stryi Diocese, організатор футбольного табору, Роман Джуман, боксер.

Told about. Олег, Church will continue the work, which it already has in the sports section. After all, the Church has held many competitions in different sports. Крім цього, known, організовуються християнські спортивні табори, where work with youth. Also develop relations between priests and athletes. «Нас, священиків, часто кличуть благословляти певні спортивні події. Переконаний, сьогодні цього вже мало. Need word church in various sports issues. We will try to answer them ", - Said the priest.

Незабаром запрацює сайт спортивного душпастирства УГКЦ, which will highlight the various events in the sporting life of the whole Catholic Church, зокрема УГКЦ.

"In my life I dosvidchyv a conversion. Once a person just saw that, as a footballer Andriy Shevchenko, based on the football field, перехрестився. For him it was a personal moment of conversion. So we will ask the athletes to share their testimonies of Christian faith. After the Gospel principles in this kind of activity should be present, that sport is not rolled to commerce ", - He added.

Department of Information Church